Tag: News

  • Munkácsy Times

    A quick update for everyone out there. We at Munkácsy Mihály Gimnázium started an English language newspaper at our school last December. We published one issue in print and now it will continue, mostly, online. Check it out at http://munkacsytimes.wordpress.com. All the articles from our first issue are already available there, and new articles will…

  • Perspectives on the News: Juan Williams

    Much has been made of Juan William’s recent firing from NPR, but was it the right thing to do? Did NPR censor Williams? No, NPR’s decision was made with respect to their own code of ethics, and in keeping with their standards for journalistic excellence.

  • 30 Days of Biking

    I recently began participating in a great online group called 30 Days of Biking. The goal, to ride your bike every day during the month of April.

  • International Underground

    Greetings Loyal Readers, The real news with this update is an announcement related to another project both Danielle and I are working on called International Underground. We blogged about International Underground once before, alerting you of its existence, but now we are glad to announce it is up and running.

  • Less Bang For North Korean Bucks

    Much ado was made this week about North Korea revaluing its currency. The story first caught my eye as a headline on Twitter and, given the near lack of an economy up north I didn’t think much of it, but my curiosity heightened when I saw the Korea Times and the New York Times pick…