Tag: Madrid

  • Un bosque urbano

    Un bosque urbano

    We would be reasonably confused if we left Madrid after Wednesday and assumed it was Europe’s most forested capital city. That title belongs to Oslo, for the record. Madrid does have a large tree canopy, especially compared to American cities of comparable size. About 38% of the city has a canopy of “urban woody features.”…

  • Sabbatical Day 1: Midway to Madrid

    Sabbatical Day 1: Midway to Madrid

    My sabbatical started on Monday, June 19. Since I’m off for three entire months overlapped with László’s and Danielle’s summer breaks, we decided to take a big old trip to Europe. Our first international trip as a family, and my first since the 2019 VIP Grand Meetup in Rotterdam. The first day started with a…