Inspired by some of the work I’m doing at my new gig where we are an all https shop, I took the $15 plunge and bought a ssl certificate this morning for
Honestly, given how easy it is these days on top of security concerns, Google giving preferential treatment to HTTPS sites, and the NY Times issuing a challenge to all news sites to go HTTPS by 2015, it only makes sense.
Now, whenever you browse this site you can do so with the comfort of knowing that all the communication between you and this site is private, secure, and authentic. I’ll be doing the same for the other HarmsBoone sites, and for International Underground in the coming weeks, but decided to get the flagship, the oldest and, honestly, most trafficked of our sites locked down and secure first. The next step will be going through the site and making sure that all images and script files linked on our blog posts are also done with https
so you know that those are coming through uncontaminated, too.
And that’s about it.
The biggest thing you can do as a user is remember to type https when linking to any website. The worst case scenario is the site hasn’t configured it and you fall back to an insecure connection. For the most part, though, you’ll be sending your friends and family to secure, trustworthy locations on the Internet.